Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bright for me, anyway

The SmArt-Word Challenge for July asks us to use "bright". Hmmm, bright colors are a little out of my comfort zone, so I've been pondering this challenge all month. As luck would have it, Kim's colors for this week's Off the Wall Craftiness Challenge (OTWC17) are bright pink, turquoise and purple (as you can see in the inspiration photo below).

Well, since I was prodded from two directions, I decided to have a go at it, but I counterbalanced the brights with a good bit of white to get more in my comfort zone. I CASEd a card at SCS by MariLynn (this week's Queen for the Day) and made it much more of a CAS than hers, in working on this card.

The fabulous pink butterfly came from a prize pack from Kim for winning a previous OTWC. (Thank you Kim!) It's from the Gilded Bee, an Etsy store. Once I decided to use the butterfly, it was fairly easy to add the other colors as accents/frames for my simple card. What do you think?


  1. Well the butterfly is a beautiful prize winning! Nice showing off those rewards!

  2. This is so 'bright' and pretty! Thanks for entering July's smART-Word Challenge.

  3. Wow Sandy this is fabulous! I am glad you are using your goodies :) I have tried commenting three times now so if you get more than one from me im sorry! I dont know whats up with comments right now! Thanks for playing and good luck!

  4. Although I do not like purple and pink also recently fell upon me these colors. In your piece, they are very, very delicate, and white adds to the charm


Thanks so much for taking the time to comment!

White on white

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