Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Amethyst and polished stone EIC71

This week's Etsy Inspired Challenge #71 takes us to Amethyst Soap, a small shop that features handmade soap. The shop actually has soap that looks just like a chunk of amethyst, (seriously, that's soap in the picture!) and I used that as my inspiration piece.

I made a piece of polished stone in purple-ish and silver shades to represent the amethyst. The flower stamps are by Autumn Leaves, stamped in Ranger Eggplant and SU Bliss Blue. Added a blue faux gem (didn't have any in an amethyst color, unfortunately). Sentment is silver-embossed.

1 comment:

  1. OH WOW! So pretty!

    Thanks for playing EtsyInspired this week!


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